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I am an Irish photographer currently based in Barcelona, Spain, working in both digital and analog photography.

I have been working in commercial photography for over 15 years, working as everything from an assistant; tech; retoucher; and photographer. Just over 10 years ago I was on a trip to Budapest and walked in to a wonderful second hand camera shop. As it was my birthday weekend I decided to treat myself to an old 35mm Minolta XD-S. Little did I know that this little camera would be the start of a whole new direction in my photography practice..... and it might have even changed my life :)

Although I still very much work in commercial photography, I would describe myself as a travel and social documentary photographer.

Travelling slowly and shooting slower, getting to know a place and meeting its people. With a slower and more considered style of shooting than on commercial sets, I use film to keep the shot count down, and wide angle lenses to bring me closer to the subject, helping the viewer feel almost part of the image and not as if they are just witnessing it from afar. 

Up until recently my personal photography has just been sitting in boxes, with the odd one or two making it on to my instagram feed. These are photographs that have been taken for the joy of taking them, a journey with no end goal, or project in mind. It has been a way to spark up a conversation with a stranger and a way to discover other parts of the world.

Like my travelling speed, I have slowly started to organise my archive,​ and for this site I have selected a few of my favourite trips from the past number of years. I will upload more in time, but for now I hope you enjoy the journey.

Drop me an email for projects, bookings and more info.

All images and content © Jimmy Donelan. No unauthorised use in any form is permitted.

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